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Please create a Login ID and Password. The Login ID and Password can be used to access your application in the event you are unable to complete the application in one sitting or in the event that you are accidentally removed from this website. It is important that you keep this information if you need to log back on to this site.

Please type your Login ID and Password into the space below. Your Login ID should be your email address and your Password should be at least six characters, numbers, and spaces with at least one lower-case and one upper-case letter.

Applicants will be notified of their status and certain test results via written or electronic mail, so please use an email address that you will have access to for at least three full years (Note: applicants that utilize a college, military or employer's email often vacate that email address prior to the conclusion of the applicant selection process). Please write down your Login ID and Password and keep them in a safe place. You will need them at a later date to log back on to this site during the selection process. Remember that your Password is case sensitive, so please write down your Password carefully.